I'm trying to find a place to land. The sheer terror is gone, the white hot anger burning down to a blue-orange flame, the realization that regardless of the why a part of, a piece of this earth, this county, this people I call my own are wounded to the quick and I have had to try to locate a place within to absorb and comprehend it. I am a witness. I bear witness, but right now I'm not sure to what. There is "a" lesson buried beneath all the other lessons I am certain, and my prayer is that I not miss it -- that you not miss it -- whatever it is. I have a feeling it is not obvious, that it is already visible although very subtle, and that it will only be those who recognize it, who have that "ah" moment that will make it to the next level in this earthly progression of understanding.
Also, in honor of those impacted by Hurricane Katrina we lift our hearts in prayer. We have donated books to organizations and efforts seeking to restore some measure of comfort to the lives of citizens evacuated and dissplaced. We will continue to donate books to worthy causes as long as our supplies last. You can send a request to
Book Donations! and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Peggy, my heart still aches...head still aches...soul is crying out because of the tragedy that came after the aftermath of the hurricane.
And we can't even count our dead...
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