Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Minute with Author Vanessa A. Johnson

Here's an author you really should get to know!

What's your name and the title or titles of your books?
Vanessa A Johnson
Book Title: When Death Comes a Knockin'

What genre do you normally write in?
My first book was non-fiction, right now I'm writing fiction.

Could you tell us just a little about yourself?
I'm 49, a lifelong Louisianan, married 29 years, mom and grandmother.

Will you give us a brief overview of your latest, or if you prefer, your favorite book?
My book is a self-help, inspirational book about loss and grief. It chronicles my journey through the grief process after the untimely deaths of my mother and son in August & September 1994.

Where are your books available?,,, or from me directly.

Are you working on anything new at the moment?
Yes, I'm doing edits and rewrites on Sacrifices In The Name of Love, a coming of age, multicultural story about two teenagers who will ultimately learn that there are consequences to your actions, that sometimes dictate sacrifices to be made under the guise of love that's painful, but necessary.

What one statement would you like to make that you think our audience and your readers might benefit from?
Whatever your passion or your dream is, be persistent, even when others don't believe in you, believe in yourself.

Thanks Vanessa for sharing with us!


Shelia said...

Good interview ladies.

Deatri King-Bey said...

Hey VeeJay,

I'm glad we were given the opportunity to spend a minute with you SMILE.

Is your target audiance for your new book at adults, Young adults, both?

Good luck with rewrites.


princessdominique said...

Awesome. Looking forward to the fiction VeeJay!

Vanessa A. Johnson said...

Thanks for stopping by Shelia, Deatru and Dom.

Deatri, Yes the target audience is young adult and adults, as the book has a message for both.

Deatri, re: rewrites, thanks, I'll be entering the RSJ contest...

Love & Peace,

Deatri King-Bey said...

Oh YES enter the contest!

Love you VeeJay.


Peggy said...

Shelia, Deatri, Linda,

Glad you checked Vanessa's minute out. Thank You!


Appreciate the opportunity to share a little glimpse of you with others!

Vanessa A. Johnson said...

Thank you, Peggy. The pleasure was all mine.

Love & Peace,